What is the objective of this tool?

Define your target groups with an in depth approach to make sure your future learning programme fits with your learner’s profiles.

The personas approach

A persona is a fictional character built that models actual users. It’s not a real person; however, it’s built on common characteristics that your learners share. Personas are built to represent large portions of your user base — in this case, your learners. Who are they? What do they like? What motivates them? What frustrates them? Do they use technology? What are their learning goals? Why are they using your system? Personas can answer all of these questions and more, helping you to make decisions about what kind of training to build, what content to cover, and what format to use.

How to use this tool?

  • Define 1 to 3 different learner profiles who will be involved in your capacity building programme
  • Fill up the learner persona canvas below
  • Use this canvas as a reminder for the following steps of your programme implementation


The template